Form validation
Draftail is easy to integrate with form validation, whether as simple "required" checks or more advanced rich text metrics.
Integrating with a validation library
Content entered in the editor can be stored for validation with the onSave
prop. The editor also supports onFocus
and onBlur
to mark fields as touched/untouched and trigger or stop validation.
Basic validation of required fields
The editor uses null
as a content value when it is empty. Here is a what a simple “required field” check would look like:
if (!content) {
error = "Please enter at least one paragraph"
Content validation
For more advanced use cases, the raw ContentState content can be parsed to enforce presence or threshold of specific content formats, or content length.
To calculate plain-text content length,
const contentLength = content.blocks.reduce((sum, b) => sum + b.text.length, 0)
We can also enforce metrics such as a minimum number of paragraphs (blocks):
if (blocks.filter((b) => b.text.trim().length > 0).length < 2) {
error = "Please enter at least two paragraphs"
Here is a full demo, using Formik as a validation library. It enforces entering at least two paragraphs of content, containing at least one link.
initialValues={{ content: null }}
onSubmit={window.alert.bind(null, "Success!")}
validate={(values) => {
const errors = {}
if (!values.content) {
errors.content = "Please enter at least two paragraphs"
} else {
const { blocks, entityMap } = values.content
if (Object.keys(entityMap).length === 0) {
errors.content = "Please use at least one link"
// Check there are at least two blocks with non-whitespace text
if (blocks.filter((b) => b.text.trim().length > 0).length < 2) {
errors.content = "Please enter at least two paragraphs"
return errors
{({ errors, touched, handleSubmit, setFieldTouched, setFieldValue }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<div className="form-field">
onSave={setFieldValue.bind(null, "content")}
onBlur={setFieldTouched.bind(null, "content")}
stateSaveInterval={errors.content ? 50 : 250}
<div role="alert">
{errors.content && touched.content && errors.content}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>